Take Pleasure in a Straight & Confident Smile With Orthodontic Care

If you intend to straighten uneven teeth, fix overcrowding and gaps, or remedy troubles with your bite, you should turn to Millbrook, AL orthodontics at Carmichael Dental Care. Our team has the experience, abilities, and training to offer treatments tailored exclusively to your desires and objectives for a new smile.

After a detailed examination, we can speak to you about potential orthodontic aligner treatments and other cosmetic services that can effectively align your teeth for less complicated oral care at home, give you a more enticing, confident smile, and improve your oral health. Here are a few of the possibilities you can choose from:

  • Clear Aligners – We provide two types of transparent aligners: ClearCorrect and Orthosnap. that fit over your teeth and carefully shift them to the intended location over a period of months, not years. Aligners are easily removable, comfortable, and nearly invisible. They offer an alternative to dental braces that do not disrupt your diet, routine, or appearance.
  • Dental Veneers If you don’t have major alignment issues, customized veneers can help fix crooked teeth! You’ll look like a star on the red carpet by transforming your smile with this versatile option.
  • TMJ Therapy Sometimes bite misalignment is connected to a complication with the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, that may not necessitate teeth straightening. We can design a dental appliance as a noninvasive method to heal your misaligned jaw joint.
  • Teeth Whitening – When your clear aligner treatment series is complete, a fantastic finishing touch is teeth whitening. You’ll turn heads with a straight smile that really sparkles!
  • Botox® & Juvéderm® Dermal Fillers – Give your face a completely updated look after your aligners are gone by hiding wrinkles and fine lines. You’ll look more youthful and vibrant! It can also relieve you of your TMJ issues as well.

Figure out which of our innovative remedies is perfect for you! To receive Millbrook orthodontics at Carmichael Dental Care, call us now at 334-600-1423 for a consultation or request an appointment online.