Dr. Keahey on Dental Cleanings and Exams
For patients, what most patients could expect for a first visit to see us: we will be heading down to meet the staff, come into the room, start off with a healthcare questionnaire, and we want to sit down and go over concerns and problems the patient has. Usually involves X-rays: some are full mouth, bite wings, or panoramic, or a view of all. Intra-oral exam, soft tissue exam, paperwork afterwards, and then, depending if treatment is needed or not, a treatment plan or options thereof on the way out.
We find it important to be on a regular schedule as a patient. We recommend twice a year as a minimum for prophys. We also recommend X-ray work. We can’t see what’s underneath soft tissue, we can’t see in-between teeth. We like to have a soft tissue exam. The Southeast is known for a very large population of oral cancer, so we want to check to make sure we don’t have any issues in that theme. We want to make sure chewing is correct, any other para habits they may have, such as paroxysm, we do do some work with sleep apnea. We want to make sure you’re in your best health you can be and we want to make sure your oral is, as well as the rest of your body.