Rely On Us For Dental Emergencies In Montgomery

If you are experiencing oral pain, call 334-600-1423 now so we can see you as soon as possible for any Montgomery dental emergencies. We keep a comfortable chair available in case you or a family member needs to be seen quickly. Plus, our voicemail will provide you with Dr. Swartzentruber’s cell phone number if our office is closed.

Dr. Chet Swartzentruber, Dr. Shawn Keahey, and the rest of our team at Carmichael Dental Care are here to help by providing:

  • Instant pain relief
  • Swift and gentle dental care to ensure your oral health
  • Recommendations for restorative dentistry solutions if you’ve lost or damaged a tooth

There’s no need for you or your family to worry about receiving our help. We offer dental sedation and a soothing environment to set your mind at ease, so call our office today. We’re located across the street from the Montgomery Cancer Center and next door to Kwik Kopy (look for the green roof).

Relieve Pain & Restore Function With Our Emergency Care

If your tooth has been knocked out, gently place it in a container of milk or saliva. This will keep your tooth’s root alive, which may allow us to place the tooth back into your smile so you don’t require replacement teeth. In some cases, you may be able to put the tooth in your mouth before you reach our office, but do not force it back in place.

If your tooth cannot be reinserted, we may recommend a dental implant or bridge to provide you with a healthy and full smile.

If you’re suffering from a severe toothache, call us immediately for fast help. You could be dealing with damaged pulp or other dental issues that we can solve. A gentle root canal, dental filling, or dental crown from Dr. Swartzentruber can end your dental pain for good.

There’s no need to continue suffering from oral pain. If you have any dental emergencies in Montgomery, call 334-600-1423 to be seen right away. For non-emergency needs, you can also contact us using our online form.

Common Questions About Dental Emergencies

Can you help with my dental emergency?

We’ll be happy to help with any dental emergencies, even if you’ve never been a patient of ours before. We keep slots open for emergency appointments, and if you call after hours, you’ll be directed to Dr. Swartzentruber’s personal cell phone. We want you to get the emergency care you need fast to get out of pain and save your smile.

What if I have a dental emergency without insurance?

Many of our patients don’t have dental insurance, so we have several flexible payment options, including our Carmichael Advantage Dental Savings Plan and credit cards. We even offer third-party financing through CareCredit. This company offers several payment plans that include attractive interest rates.

What are common dental emergencies?

If you are in severe pain, that qualifies as an emergency, regardless of the underlying cause. However, some common dental emergencies include dislodged teeth, broken teeth, mouth trauma, cuts to your gums, advanced infections, painful cavities, and more. You don’t need to remember the list, just the place you’ll want to go to, which is here!