Spring training is underway, and there’s only one way to make sure your child’s smile is safe against sports-related dental injuries

You need to visit your Montgomery, AL dentist for a custom athletic mouthguard for superior durability, coverage, and comfort. While a boil-and-bite guard from a sporting goods store may seem like a smart play, it will never outperform a professional, customized fit. 

A mouthguard that stays in place comfortably will allow your favorite athlete to breathe and focus easily for better performance on the field or court. Parents also benefit from this kind of investment because their child will be less likely to suffer an injury that would otherwise require costly restorative care.

In honor of National Children’s Dental Health Month, give your child’s smile the protection it needs to win!

Call Carmichael Dental Care at 334-600-1423 to schedule an appointment in Montgomery, AL. You also can request an appointment online.

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