April is National Facial Protection Month, and what better time to raise awareness about this topic than right before summer! Whether your kid will be skateboarding for fun or playing on the soccer team, consider getting them an athletic mouthguard. Carmichael Dental Care can fit your kids (or you!) for a custom mouthguard that fits great, allows them to speak and breath properly, and can be customized for their specific activity.
Our mouthguards are more reliable than store-bought ones, so help protect your child’s smile by asking about one at their next dental appointment. You can also call us today at 334-600-1423 or fill out our online form to request your visit for an athletic mouthguard in Montgomery, AL. In the meantime, check out this quick video from the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons to see why a mouthguard is important.