A few weeks ago, we noted that April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. Well, it’s also National Facial Protection Month, which is a good time to remind you to make a dental appointment for all the athletes in your family.
Here are three reasons to get athletic mouthguards at our general dental office.
To Keep Playing
Any injury, including dental injuries, can take you out of the game, potentially for days or weeks. You don’t want to have a tooth knocked out. You don’t want to break a tooth. According to the American Dental Association, athletes who don’t wear mouthguards are 60 times more likely to suffer dental injuries.
To Stay Comfortable
You could get a bulky mouthguard at a store. While this can provides a level of protection, it also can interfere with your ability to breathe, to take a drink of water, or to speak to your teammates or coaches in the heat of competition. A custom-made mouthguard like we make is smaller and allows you to do all those things without affecting other things.
To Get the Best Protection
A custom-made mouthguard also provides better protection than the boil-and-bite mouthguards you get in stores. This is similar to how the five-point harnesses used by racecar drivers provide better protection than the seat belts found in your family vehicle.
Call Carmichael Dental Care at 334-600-1423 to schedule an appointment in Montgomery, AL. You also can request an appointment online.