Any number of bad things can affect your teeth. Yet, you can benefit from the best restorative dental care in human history. Modern dental crowns look natural and restore the full function of your teeth as well.
So, what are some times when you should come to our Montgomery, AL dental office for a crown?
When Your Tooth is Broken
You could break a tooth by falling, running into something or someone, or playing your favorite sport – which is a good reason to wear an athletic mouthguard, too. No matter the cause of your broken or cracked, you can fix it with a crown.
When You Have Major Tooth Decay
You can usually get a dental filling to fix a cavity. When tooth decay is too great, however, you are going to need something more. A crown is a more durable solution for your oral health.
When You Have Tooth Infection
Your aching tooth won’t fix itself. To end your pain, you should get a root canal. To complete this procedure, you want to cap your tooth to restore its full function by getting a crown.
When You Have Lost a Tooth
Crowns are normally used to repair a damaged tooth. If you have lost a tooth, however, you can replace it completely by adding a crown to a dental implant.
Call Carmichael Dental Care at 334-600-1423 to schedule an appointment in Montgomery, AL. You also can request an appointment online.
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